HSNP rights committee members meeting in Masalale, Wajir CountyHSNP has enabled the communities especially households from the poorest and most vulnerable backgrounds understand and advocate for their rights.
HSNP has a robust and dynamic case management system decentralised to the sub-County level. The objective of HSNP case management system is ensure that all beneficiaries both Group 1 (regular)and Group 2 (emergency) have local and equitable access to file complaints and updates related to HSNP which can be resolved within a reasonable timeframe. The case management system is managed by trained County specific HSNP/NDMA officers.
The HSNP case management system manages logged cases.
These cases are categorised into two, Updates and Complaints.
UPDATES include; 1) Change of address 2) Change of National ID 3)Correction of name spelling and 4)Change of recipient.
COMPLAINTS include issues on: 1) Payment 2) Targeting 3) Missed Registration 4) ATM cards & bank accounts 5) Payment Agents and 6) Corruption.
Beneficiaries are encouraged to use the HSNP case management system through their respective HSNP/NDMA County officers. HSNP/NDMA County officers are located at the sub-County level. Further, at each village, the communities nominate representative that form Right Committees. These rights committees are based at the sub-location level and advocate for the wider rights of beneficiaries.