About HSNP2 as of June 2016
Hunger Safety Net Programme (HSNP) is an unconditional social protection programme that delivers regular and predictable cash transfers to targeted poorest and vulnerable households (100,000 HHs or approx. 600,000 people) in the four Counties of Turkana, Mandera, Marsabit and Wajir. The current transfer value is Kshs.5,100 every 2 months.
HSNP is a flagship Government of Kenya programme, under Ministry of Devolution and Planning, managed by National Drought Management Authority (NDMA). It is funded by the Government of Kenya and United Kingdom (UKaid) . HSNP is one of the 4 cash transfers under National Safety Nets Programmes also known as Inua Jamii .In addition, in times of emergency (drought and floods) HSNP scales up and provides short term cash transfers to additional households based on set targeting criteria and available resources.
HSNP is delivered in two Phases. Phase 1, the pilot (2008-2012), 69,000 beneficiaries from Turkana, Mandera, Marsabit and Wajir cost Kshs. 5.5billion, funded by UK DFID & Australian Government. Phase 2 (2013- 2017) costs Kshs.15.8 billion to benefit 100,000HHs (Group 1). Adding a possible further 200,000+HHs (Group 2) during Emergency scale ups. HSNP targeting is poverty based.
Download: About HSNP2 Flier June 2016