HSNP beneficiaries waiting to be served at HSNP help desk, Huduma center, WajirIn its endeavor to enhancing quality delivery of services to HSNP beneficiaries, HSNP is now operating at Huduma Center. In Wajir Huduma Center, HSNP help desk is alive and kicking since mid-September 2018. The help desk is currently serving an average of 300 beneficiaries per day. This is following a mobilisation exercise across the County aimed at resolving pending issues that are affecting access to payment by some HSNP households. Some of the services provided include: resolving payment issues, logging updates and complaints, providing information about the programme, linking beneficiaries to other Government services within Huduma center e.g. ID issues with National Bureau for Registration of Persons, Police Abstract, Birth and Death certificates, certificate of good conduct to mention but a few.
HSNP operates in highly dynamic and challenging context. Vast and difficult terrains, poor infrastructure, limited network connectivity and social amenities characterize the geographical context of the four arid HSNP counties. This makes it challenging for beneficiaries to access programme services especially on updates and complaints to enable them better engage with the programme and access their entitlements as planned. HSNP operates a decentralised operations system for delivery of services that include registration, bank account opening, communications, case management (updates and complaints) and monitoring and evaluation. HSNP services can be access at the lowest levels- sub-locations (through Chiefs and assistant chiefs) to the highest level- the National. HSNP beneficiary being served at HSNP help desk, Huduma Center- Wajir
By having HSNP help desks at Huduma center, this will help in improving service delivery as it complements the already existing channels. Huduma center also adds value to HSNP beneficiaries as they can easily access other government services e.g. if they have ID issues, HSNP help desk links them with National Bureau for Registration of Persons (NRB) help desk under the same roof. Huduma centers are one-stop shop citizen service centers that provide public services through integrated technology platforms. By having HSNP within Huduma center is a major boost towards the progressive realisation of wider rights especially for the poorest and most vulnerable citizens as enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya 2010. HSNP beneficiaries interviewed at Huduma center expressed their satisfaction in the manner in which their issues were being handled and in a more conductive environment i.e. air conditioned with adequate sitting arrangement, a welcome relief from the sweltering heat of Wajir.
HSNP management together with Huduma Center secretariat is workly together to replicating the same in the other three counties of Turkana, Mandera and Marsabit.